There are 9 classes of Dangerous Goods within the UN regulations. Each substance or product within these classes can be a risk to health, safety or the environment. Take a read of our previous blog on Class 6 here.
Class 7 Radioactive materials
Dangerous goods regulations define radioactive material as any material containing radionuclides where both the activity concentration and the total activity exceeds certain pre-defined values. A radionuclide is an atom with an unstable nucleus and which consequently is subject to radioactive decay.
The main danger from radioactivity is the damage it does to the cells in your body. Contamination can occur through direct contact with a radioactive source. Contamination can affect a person, an animal, a place or an object such as clothing, presenting severe risks to health.
Commonly transported radioactive material includes density gauges, radioactive ores, mixed fission products and radium radionuclides/isotopes.
Radioactive Symbol
Class 7 Goods need to carry the correct label when being transported.

Logicom Hub provide training for the shipping of radioactive material, Class 7 Dangerous Goods. For more details contact us or see our course details