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Consignor companies need to appoint a DGSA no later than 31 December 2022.

Logicom Hub - Industry News - Consignors to appoint DGSA

Consignor companies are required to appoint a DGSA by 31 December 2022.

Consignor only companies, unlike those involved in the packing, filling, loading, unloading and transport, had previously been exempt from this requirement.

However, in 2019, amendments were made to the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations for road (ADR) and rail (RID) requiring consignors to appoint a DGSA. This is a legal requirement within GB through the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (as amended).

This now means that office-based consignors who are organising the transport of dangerous goods need to appoint a DGSA.

Given this regulatory change was first written within the 2019 versions of ADR and RID, there has been a 4-year transitional period to adapt to this requirement.
The Department of Transport (DfT) have released a video as a reminder that this transitional period is nearing its end, and those organisations still needing to appoint a DGSA shall do so no later than 31st December 2022.

Role of a DGSA

A DGSA should be a competent person able to advise on the safe transport of dangerous goods, nationally and internationally. The role of the DGSA is to help control the risks inherent in such activities with regard to persons, property and the environment.
DGSAs generally complete training and must successfully pass specified exams to gain the qualification, which is required to be renewed every five years.
Companies have the option to either train a member of staff or appoint a third-party DGSA such as Logicom Hub.

The DGSA’s duties and responsibilities include:

More details on the responsibilities of DGSAs can be found on the UK government website


There are several exemptions to appointing a DGSA. However, if you are unable to ascertain whether these exemptions are applicable to your business, it can be useful to consult with a DGSA (as a one-off service) to clarify whether you fall within the scope of this requirement.
Alongside companies or individuals offering DGSA consultancy services, there are also qualified DGSAs within the Dangerous Goods team. It is advisable that organisations can confidently explain how they are exempt.

  • monitoring compliance with the requirements governing carriage of dangerous goods
  • advising the business on the carriage of dangerous goods
  • preparing an annual report on the performance of the undertaking in transporting dangerous goods
  • monitoring the provision of training and advice to other staff
  • investigating any accidents or infringements of regulations and preparing reports
  • reporting of incidents and accidents to the DfT

Need more information or have questions?

Carriage of Dangerous goods for Road (ADR) – UNECE
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009

If you would like to discuss the requirements for a DGSA or are looking to appoint a third-party DGSA please contact the team at Logicom Hub