Whether you are transporting by Road, Sea or Air Logicom Hub® can help your business stay compliant with the regulations for all modes of transport. With an estimated 10% of the 60 billion containers being shipped globally labelled as mis-declared or undeclared Dangerous Goods; Shipping Lines and Airlines are starting to hold no prisoners with penalties in an attempt to save lives, reduce the number of fires and save their property from being destroyed. It is mandatory to have a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) for shippers that are transporting by road. It is vital that every business has a clear understanding of their responsibilities for Dangerous Goods for all modes of transport not just Road.
At Logicom Hub® we are qualified on All Modes of transport; we will provide advice on the whole supply chain movements to protect your business. Our Consultancy service is available for all those involved in the transportation of dangerous goods. We provide honest, professional advice to companies who can benefit from being able to ask an expert.
With many years of training design and development behind us we are able to offer our customers bespoke training that suits their specific needs. Our courses can be designed as instructor-led, workbooks or on-line interactive training. Some of the topics that we cover are:
With many years of practical experience working with airlines, freight forwarders and integrator across the world we can offer comprehensive and guidance to ensure you meet all relevant regulatory requirements and help reduce cost and time within your supply chain.